Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas

Season 1 Episode 3 aired on Apr 5, 2020

*Link only shows 15 min preview but you can watch the whole video when you log in to Dropbox.
  1. Manoblanca (Whitehand)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1944Lyrics: Homero Manzi Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Antonio De Bassi
  1. Bailarín De Contraseña (Ticket Stub Dancer)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1945Lyrics: Carlos Lucero Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Víctor Felice
  1. El Trompito (Spinning Top)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1943Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Enrique Cadícamo
  1. Adiós Arrabal (Farewell, Suburb)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1941Lyrics: Carlos Lenzi Translation: Alberto Paz Music: Juan Baüer
  1. Tres Esquinas (Three Corners)
    Watch🎞 Una Noche De Poesía to know more about this song!

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1941Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Derrick Del Pilar Music: Ángel D'Agostino & Alfredo Attadía
  1. El Yacaré (The Alligator)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1941Lyrics: Mario Soto Translation: Michael Krugman Music: Alfredo Attadía
  1. Muchacho ((Rich) Boys)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1940Lyrics: Celedonio Flores Translation: Music: Edgardo Donato
  1. Shusheta (El Aristócrata) (Dandy (Aristocrat))

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1945Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Juan Carlos Cobián
  1. Pero Yo Se (But I know...)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1942Lyrics: Azucena Maizani Translation: Alberto Paz Music: Azucena Maizani 1928
  1. No Vendra (She Won’t Come)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1945Lyrics & Music: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Michael Krugman
  1. Caricias (Caress)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1945Lyrics: Alfredo Bigeschi Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Juan Martí
  1. A Quien Le Puede Importar (Who Could Possibly Care?)

Angel D'Agostino with Angel Vargas, 1945Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Michael Krugman Music: Mariano Mores