
Season 1 Episode 30 aired on Oct 18, 2020

*Link only shows 15 min preview but you can watch the whole video when you log in to Dropbox.
  1. Milonga Sentimental (Sentimental Milonga)
    Watch 🎞 Una Noche De Poesía to learn more and history of milonga!

Francisco Canaro with Ernesto Famá & Angel Ramos, 1933Lyrics: Homero Manzi Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Sebastián Piana 1931
  1. Milonga del "900" (Milonga of the 1900s)

Francisco Canaro with Ernesto Famá, 1933Lyrics: Homero Manzi Translation: Derrick Del Pilar Music: Sebastián Piana 1933
  1. Silueta Porteña (Porteña Silhouette)

Juan D'Arienzo with Walter Cabral, 1936Lyrics: Nicolás Luis Cuccaro & Juan Ventura Cuccaro Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Ernesto Noli & Orlando D'Aniello
  1. Ella Es Así (That's How She Is)

Edgardo Donato with Horacio Lagos, 1938Lyrics: Manuel Carretero Translation: Michael Krugman Music: Luis Martino
  1. Sacale Punta (Sharpen It Up!)

Edgardo Donato with Horacio Lagos & Randona, 1938Lyrics: Sandalio Gómez Translation: Michael Krugman Music: Osvaldo Donato 1938
  1. Zorzal (Thrush)

Carlos Di Sarli with Roberto Rufino, 1941Lyrics & Music: Dorita Zárate Translation: Michael Krugman
  1. La Cicatriz (The Scar)

Juan D'Arienzo with Alberto Echagüe, 1939Lyrics & Music: Raúl Aguirrezabalaga Translation: Derrick Del Pilar
  1. Yo Soy De San Telmo (I’m from San Telmo)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Victorino Velázquez Translation: Barry de Graaff Music: Arturo Gallucci
  1. Milonga De Mis Amores (My Beloved Milonga)

Pedro Laurenz with Héctor Farrel, 1937Lyrics: José María Contursi Translation: Michael Krugman Music: Pedro Laurenz
  1. La Vida Es Una Milonga (Life Is A Hectic Dance)

Pedro Laurenz with Martín Podestá, 1941Lyrics: Rodolfo Sciammarella Translation: Alan Smith Music: Fernando Montoni