Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo 2

Season 1 Episode 24 aired on Sep 6, 2020

*Link only shows 15 min preview but you can watch the whole video when you log in to Dropbox.
  1. Barajando Recuerdo (Shuffling Memories)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1943Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Luis Visca
  1. Qué Podrán Decir? (What Can They Say?)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1943Lyrics: Alfredo Bigeschi Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Vicente Salerno
  1. Decile Que Vuelva (Tell Her To Come Back)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1942Lyrics & Music: Miguel Bucino Translation: Michael Krugman
  1. Moneda De Cobre (Copper Coin)
    Watch 🎞 Una Noche De Poesía to know more about this song!

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1942Lyrics: Horacio Sanguinetti Translation: Michael Krugman Music: Carlos Viván 1942
  1. Muñeca Brava (Femme Fatale)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1942Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Michael Krugman Music: Luis Visca 1929
  1. Madame Ivonne (Madame Ivonne)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1942Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Alberto Paz Music: Eduardo Pereyra 1933
  1. Esta Noche Me Emborracho (Tonight I’m Getting Drunk)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1942Lyrics & Music: Enrique Santos Discépolo 1927 Translation: Alberto Paz
  1. La Última Copa (The Last Drink)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1943Lyrics: Juan Caruso Translation: Alberto Paz Music: Francisco Canaro 1926
  1. La Copa Del Olvido (A Glass of Forgetting)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1942Lyrics: Alberto Vaccarezza Translation: Derrick Del Pilar Music: Enrique Delfino 1921
  1. Cómo Se Pianta La Vida (How Life Slips Away)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1942Lyrics: Carlos Viván Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Carlos Viván 1929
  1. Que Me Quiten Lo Bailao (They Can’t Take It Away From Me)

Ricardo Tanturi with Alberto Castillo, 1943Lyrics: Miguel Bucino Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Miguel Bucino 1942