Bien Frappé (Well Chilled) 

Music: Carlos Di Sarli
Lyrics: Héctor Marcó
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Carlos Di Sarli with Roberto Rufino in 1941



A ver, mozo, traiga y sirva caña fuerte,
grappa o whisky bien frappé,
para ahuyentar estas penas
que atoran mis venas de rabia y de sed…

Y si al recuerdo me abrazo,
usted no haga caso, castíguemelo...
Eche hasta
que el vaso lleno se retobe de veneno como yo...

Para arrancarme sus males
yo quiero hartarme de alcohol,
que estos amores cobardes
se prenden al alma y apagan mi sol...

Y si mi mente se agota
de tanto y tanto beber,
siga llenando mi copa,
que es honda y es loca la sed de un querer.

A ver, mozo, traiga y sirva
caña fuerte, grappa o whisky bien frappé.


Hey, waiter, bring and serve a strong drink, 
grappa or whisky well chilled
to chase away this sorrows
that clog my veins with rage and thirst…

And if I hang on to memory,
don’t listen, punish me...
Top the glass off,
until it’s full of venom as I am…

To rip out the pain she caused
I want to fill myself up with alcohol,
these cowardly loves
cling on to the soul and extinguish my sun…

And if my mind gets exhausted
from so much drinking
keep filling up my glass,
since it’s deep and crazy the thirst for love.

Come on, waiter, bring and serve
a strong drink, grappa or whisky well chilled.