
HERE's the complete song list that we've featured.

You can enjoy listening to each tango with English subtitles in the Bailongo De Los Domingos archive videos. 

We included the link to recommended translations by others.
*Poesía De Gotán by Derrick Del Pilar
**Tango Decoder by Michael Krugman
***Planet Tango by Alberto Paz
****other translators

Notes for our translation:
Singer often modifies the lyrics from the original version therefore the lyrics differ slightly depending upon the recording.
Our translations are done to a particular recording by orchestra and singer and are true to the interpretation of that particular recording.  This makes singing-along even easier!
Translating poetry is an impossible task. We opted to choose words that best fit the cadence of the music. Notes are when additional explanation is necessary.  Please feel free to send us a question or suggestion!

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  Y  Z


A Bailar (Let's Dance)

A Homero (To Homero)

A Las Siete En El Café (Seven O'Clock At The Cafe)

A Magaldi (To Magaldi)

A Media Luz (In Dimmed Light)****

A Mi Me Llaman Juan Tango (They Call Me Johnny Tango)

A Otra Cosa, Che Pebeta (Off to other things, you chick)****

A Quien Le Puede Importar (Who Could Possibly Care?)**

A Su Memoria (In Her Memory)

Abandono (Abondonment)*

Acordes Porteños (Buenos Aires Chords)

Acquaforte (Etching)

Adios, Arrabal (Farewell, Suburb)***

Adiós, Buenos Aires (Goodbye, Buenos Aires)*

Adiós, Chantecler (Goodbye, Chantecler)

Adiós, Marinero (Goodbye, Sailor)

Adiós, Muchachos (Goodbye, Folks)

Adiós Para Siempre (Farewell Forever)

Adiós Pampa Mía (Farewell To My Pampa)****

Adiós, Querida (Farewell, Sweetheart)

Adiós, Te Vas...! (Goodbye, You're Leaving!)

Afiches (Affiches)***

Agua Florida (Florida Water)

Ahora No Me Conocés (Now You Don't Know Me)***

Al Compás Del Corazón (Late Un Corazón) (To The Beat Of The Heart)***

Al Compás De Un Tango (With A Tango's Beat)

Al Mundo Le Falta Un Tornillo (The World Has A Loose Screw)

Al Pasar (As It Passes By)

Al Pie De La Santa Cruz (At the Foot of the Holy Cross)**

Al Subir Al Bajar (Going Up, Going Down)

Al Verla Pasar (As I See Her Pass)

Alas (Wings)

Alas Rotas (Broken Wings)*

Alma De Bohemio (Bohemian Soul)***

Alma Del Bandoneón (Soul Of The Bandoneon)

Alma De Loca (Crazy Soul)

Alma En Pena (Suffering Soul)

Alma Mía (My Soul)

Amarras (Moorings)*

Amarroto (Stingy)

Amor Cobarde (Timid Love)

Amor Y Celos (Love and Jealousy)

Amiga (My Friend)

Amurado (Abandoned)***

Anclado En París (Anchored in Paris)***

Angustia (Anguish)

Anselmo Acuña El Resero (The Cowherd Anselmo Acuña)

Anselmo Laguna (Anselmo Laguna)

Ansiedad (Anxiety)

Antiguo Reloj De Cobre (Old Copper Watch)

Araca La Cana (Beware Of The Police)

Así Era El Tango (This Is How Tango Used To Be)

Así Es El Tango (Tango Is Like This)

Así Es La Milonga (This is The Milonga)

Así Es Ninón (This Is Ninón)

Así Se Baila El Tango (This Is How to Dance Tango)*

Así Se Canta (This is How I Sing )

Atenti Pebeta (Careful, Babe!)***

Ave De Paso (Bird Of Passage)**

Azabache (Jet)**


Bailarín Compadrito (Braggart Dancer)***

Bailarín De Contraseña (Ticket Stub Dancer)

Bailemos (Let’s Dance)***

Bailongo De Los Domingos  (Dance Party on Sundays)

Bajo Belgrano (Lower Belgrano)

Bajo El Cono Azul (Under the Blue Halo)*

Bajo Un Cielo De Estrellas (Beneath A Star Filled Sky)*

Balada Para Un Loco (Ballad for a Lunatic)*

Bandoneón Arrabalero (Bandoneon of The Slum)***

Barajando (Shuffling)

Barajando Recuerdos (Shuffling Memories)

Barrio de Tango (Tango Quarter) **

Barrio Tranquilo (Quiet Neighborhood)

Barro (Mud)

Besos Brujos (Bewitching Kisses)

Bien Frappé (Well Chilled)

Bien Pulenta (I’m Like This)****

Boedo Y San Juan (Boedo and San Juan)*

Bomboncito (My Little Bonbon)

Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)*

Buenos Aires De Ayer (Buenos Aires From Yesterday)

Buscándote (Looking For You)


Cada Día Te Extraño Más (Each Day I Miss You More)

Cada Vez Que Me Recuerdes (Every Time You Remember Me)*

Café de Los Angelitos (Little Angels' Cafe)

Cafetín De Buenos Aires (Small Tavern of Buenos Aires)****

Calor De Hogar (Warmth of Home)

Cambalache (Pawnshop)*

Caminito (Little Path)****

Caminito Del Taller (On The Way To The Workshop)

Campo Afuera (To Other Fields)*

Canción De Rango (Pa'que Se Callen) (Song of High Standing)***

Canción Desesperada (Desperate Song)****

Canta Pajarito (Sing, Little Bird)**

Canto (I Sing)

Cantor De Barrio (Neighborhood Singer)

Caricias (Caress)

Carillón de La Merced (Church-bells of Santiago de la Merced)**

Carnaval (Carnival)***

Carnaval De Mi Barrio (Carnival In My Neighborhood)***

Cascabelito (Little Jingle Bell)**

Caserón De Tejas (Tile Roofed Big House)

Cautivo (Captive)

Cero Al As (Zero to the Ace)**

Chapaleando Barro (Splashing Mud)**

Charlemos (Let’s Chat)*

Che, Bandoneón! (Hey, Bandoneon!)***

Che, Papusa, Oí (Hey Pretty, Listen)

Chirusa (Chirusa)

Chiquilín De Bachín (Little Boy at Bachin's)

Chorra (Thief)***

Cicatrices (Scars)

Ciego (Blind)***

Claudinette (Claudinette)

Color Cielo (Sky Blue)

Como Abrazado A Un Rencor (As If Bearing A Grudge)**

Como Aquella Princesa (Like That Princess)

Como El Hornero (Like The Ovenbird)*

Como Has Cambiado Pebeta (How You Have Changed, Girl)

Como Nos Cambia La Vida (How Life Changed Us)

Cómo Se Hace Un Tango (How A Tango Is Made)

Cómo Se Pianta La Vida (How Life Slips Away)

Compadreando (Bragging)

Compadrón (Wiseguy)**

Con Alma De Tango (With A Tango Soul)

Condena (S.O.S.) (Life Sentence)**

Confesión (Confession)

Con Los Amigos (A Mi Madre) (With Those Friends (To My Mother))*

Consejo de Oro (Golden Advice)

Con Toda La Voz Que Tengo (With All Of My Voice)

Copas, Amigas Y Besos (Drinks, Friends and Kisses)

Corazón (Heart)*

Corazón De Papel (Paper Heart)

Corazón De Oro (Heart of Gold)

Corazón, No Le Digas A Nadie (Heart, Don’t Tell Anyone)

Corazón, No Le Hagas Caso (Heart, Pay No Attention)***

Cornetín (The Cornet)**

Corrales Viejos (Corrales Viejos)

Corrientes Y Esmeralda (Corrientes and Esmeralda)**
Corrientes Y Esmeralda (Corrientes and Esmeralda)***

Cordobesita (Girl From Córdoba)

Cosas Olvidadas (Forgotten Things)*

Cotorrita De La Suerte (Fortune-Telling Parrot)**

Cristal (Crystal)*

Cuando Llora La Milonga (When The Milonga Cries)

Cuando Un Viejo Se Enamora (When An Old Man Falls In Love) ***

Cuando Tallan Los Recuerdos (When Memories Rule)

Cuartito Azul (Little Blue Room)

Cuatro Compases (Four Beats)

Cuatro Lágrimas (Four Tears)

Cuatro Palabras (Four Words)

Cuatro Recuerdos (Four Memories

Cuento Azul (Fairytale)


Danza Maligna (Evil Dance)

Dandy (Dandy)**

De Barro (Made Of Mud)

De Corazón A Corazón (Heart to Heart)

De Puro Guapo (Toughing It Out)**

De Seis A Siete (From Six to Seven)

Decile Que Vuelva (Tell Her To Come Back)**

Decíme Que Pasó (Tell Me What Happened)

Deja El Mundo Como Esta (Leave The World The Way It Is)

Dejame Amarte Aunque Sea Un Día (Let Me Love You Even For One Day)

Déjame, No Quiero Verte Más (Leave Me, I Don't Wanna See You Again)

Del Tiempo Guapo (From A Brave Time)

Demasiado Tarde (Too Late)*

Derrotado (Defeated)***

Desconsuelo (Grief)

Desde El Alma (From The Soul)****

Desencuentro (Mismatch)***

Después (Afterwards)*

Después Del Carnaval (After The Carnival)

Desvelo (De Flor En Flor) (Sleeplessness (Flower to Flower))*

Dice Un Refrán (A Proverb Says)

Dichas Que Viví (Joy That I Had)

Diez Años (Ten Years)

Dime Mi Amor (Tell Me My Love)****

Din... Don (Ding Dong)*

Dinero, Dinero (Money, Money)

Discepolín (nickname of Discépolo)****

Discos De Gardel (Gardel's Records)

Domingo A La Noche (Sunday At Night)

Dos Fracasos (Two Disasters)**

Dos Palabras Por Favor (Two Words Please)

Duelo Criollo (Creole Duel)

Duerme Mi Amor (Sleep, My Love)

Dulce Amargura (Sweet Bitterness)


El Abrojito (The Small Thistle)***

El Adiós (The Farewell)*

El Aguacero (Canción de la Pampa) (Rainstorm (Song From The Pampa))

El Bazar De Los Juguetes (The Toy Store)

El Bulín De La Calle Ayacucho (The Room On Ayacucho Street)

El Cantor De Buenos Aires (The Singer from Buenos Aires)

El Choclo (The Ear Of Corn)***

El Cielo En Tus Ojos (The Heaven In Your Eyes)

El Ciruja (The Surgeon)***

El Corazón Me Decía (The Heart Told Me)

El Cuarteador (The Tow Man of Barracas) **

El Día De Tu Ausencia (The Day Of Your Absence)

El Día Que Me Quieras (The Day You Love Me)***

El Encopao (The Drunk)

El Espejos De Tus Ojos (The Mirror Of Your Eyes)

El Huérfano (The Orphan)

Ella Es Así (That's How She Is)**

El Mareo (Dizziness)

El Milagro (Miracle)

El Moro (The Dark Horse)

El Mortero Del Globito (Striker of "Little Balloon")

El Motivo (The Reason)***

El Nene Del Abasto (The Kid from Abasto)

El Olivo (The Escape)*

El Once (A Divertirse)  (The Eleventh (Let’s Have Fun))

El Pañuelito (The Little Hanckerchief)****

El Pescante (Coachman's Seat)

El Porteñito (El Porteñito)

El Sueño Del Pibe (Dream of a Boy)

El Tango Es El Tango  (Tango is Tango)

El Tango Es Una Historia (Tango Is A Story)

El Tigre Millán (Millan The Tiger)

El Trompito (Spinning Top)

El Último Adiós (The Last Farewell)

El Último Café (The Last Coffee)*

El Último Organito (The Last Street Organ)

El Vals Soñador (Dreamy Waltz)

El Vino Triste (The Sad Wine)

El Yacaré (The Alligator)**

Embrujamiento (Curse)

En El Salon (In The Dance Hall)

En Esta Tarde Gris (On This Grey Afternoon)*

En La Buena Y En La Mala (In Good Times and In Bad Times)*

En Lo De Laura (At Laura's Place) **

En Tus Brazos (In Your Arms)***

En Tus Ojos De Cielo (In Your Skyblue Eyes)

En Un Beso, La Vida (Life In One Kiss)

En Un Rincón (In A Corner)

Encuentro (Encounter)

Entre Copa Y Copa (Between Shots)

Entre Pitada Y Pitada (Between a Puff and a Puff)

Equipaje (Baggage)

Es En Vano Llorar (Crying Is In Vain)

Es Mejor Perdonar (It’s Better to Forgive)*

Escúchame Manón (Listen To Me, Manon)

Ese Sos Vos (That's You)

Esquinas Porteñas (Corners of Buenos Aires)*

Esta Noche Al Pasar (Tonight As I Pass By)*

Estampa De Varón (Figure Of A Man)

Esta Noche (Tonight)

Esta Noche De Luna (This Moonlit Night)*

Esta Noche En Buenos Aires (Tonight In Buenos Aires)

Esta Noche Me Emborracho (Tonight I’m Getting Drunk)***

Están Sonando Las Ocho (The Clock Strikes Eight)

Este Carnaval (This Carnival)

Este Es Tu Tango (This Is Your Tango)


Farabute (Crook)

Farol (Streetlamp)*

Farolito De Papel (Paper Lantern)

Flor De Monserrat (The Flower of Monserrat)

Flores Del Alma (Soul Flowers)*

Flor De Lino (Flax Flower)***

Frente A Una Copa (In Front of A Drink)

Fruta Amarga (Bitter Fruit)

Fueron Tres Años (It's Been Three Years)

Fuimos (We Were)*

Fueye (Bandoneon)***

Fumando Espero (Smoking I Wait)***


Galleguita (Spanish Girl)

Garras (Claws)*

Garúa (Drizzle)*

Garufa (Party Animal)

Gime El Viento (The Wind Howls)

Gitana Rusa (Russian Gypsy)****

Giuseppe El Zapatero (Giuseppe The Shoemaker)

Gloria (Glory)

Golondrinas (Swallows)

Gorriones (Sparrows)

Gracias (Gratitude)

Gricel (Gricel)*

Griseta (Grisette)*


Hasta Siempre Amor (Forever More, My Love)**

Historia De Un Amor (A Love Story)***

Hoy Al Recordarla (Today As I Remember Her)

Humillación (Humiliation)*


Igual Que Un Bandoneón (Just Like A Bandoneon)**

Ilusión Azul (Blue Illusion)*

Indiferencia (Indifference)

Infamia (Infamy)***

Inquietud (Restlessness)

Invierno (Winter)*

Isla De Capri (Island of Capri)


Jacinto Chiclana (Jacinto Chiclana)***

Jamás Retornarás (You Will Never Return)*

Jirón De Suburbio (A Piece of Suburb)

Jiron Porteño (Oro Muerto) (A Piece of Buenos Aires)

Judas (Judas)**

Jugando, Jugando (Playing, Playing)

Junto A Tu Corazón (Close To Your Heart)*

Justo El 31! (Right on the 31st!)**


La Abandoné Y No Sabía (I Abandoned Her and I Didn’t Know…)*

La Brisa (The Breeze)

La Bruja (The Witch)*

La Canción de Buenos Aires (The Song of Buenos Aires)

La Cantina (The Canteen)

La Capilla Blanca (The White Chapel)*

La Casita De Mis Viejos (My Parents' Little Home)***

La Chacarera (The Farm Girl)

La Cicatriz (The Scar) *

La Copa Del Olvido (A Glass of Forgetting)*

La Cosa Fue En Un Boliche (It Happened in A Dive Bar)

La Cumparsita (Si Supieras) (The Little Marching Band (If You Knew))***

La Garçonniere (Bachelor Pad)

La Gayola (The Cage)**

La Luz De Un Fósforo (Flicker of a Match)

La Madrugada (Dawn)

La Mariposa (The Butterfly)

La Melodía Del Corazón (The Melody Of The Heart)***

La Mentirosa (Liar)

La Milonga Que Faltaba (The Milonga That We've Been Waiting For)

La Milonga De Buenos Aires (The Milonga of Buenos Aires)*

La Morocha (The Brunette)***

La Muchachada Del Centro (Downtown Gang)

La Mulateada (Bunch of Mulattoes)***

La Noche Que Te Fuiste (The Night You Went Away)*

La Novia Ausente (The Missing Girlfriend)

La Nueva Vecina (The New Neighbor)

La Piba De Los Jazmines (The Girl with the Jasmines)**

La Pulpera De Santa Lucía (The Bar Maid from Santa Lucia)

La Serenata De Ayer (The Serenade From Yesterday) 

La Serenata (Mi Amor) (The Serenade (My Love))

La Uruguayita Lucía (Lucia, The Young Uruguayan Girl)

La Última Copa (The Last Drink)***

La Última Curda (The Last Drunkenness)***

La Vida Es Corta (Life is Short)*

La Vida Es Una Milonga (Life Is A Hectic Dance) ****

La Ví Llegar (I Saw Her Arriving)

Lágrimas (Tears)

Larga Las Penas (Cast Away Your Sorrow)**

Las Cuarenta (Forty)

Leguisamo Solo (Only Leguisamo)

Lejos de Buenos Aires (Far from Buenos Aires)*

Lejos De Ti (Away From You)

Lilián (Lilián)

Lloran Las Campanas (The Bells Cry)*

Llorar Por Una Mujer (To Cry For A Woman)***

Lluvia De Abril (April Rain)

Lo Han Visto Con Otra (They’ve Seen Him With Someone Else)***

Lo Mismo Que Antes (Same As Before)

Lo Mismo Que Un Tango (Just Like A Tango)

Lo Pasao, Pasó (Let Bygones Be Bygones)

Los Despojos (The Leftovers)

Los Mareados (The Lushes)*

Los Muñequitos (San Fernando) (The Little Dolls (San Fernando))

Luna De Arrabal (Moon of the Humble Neighborhood)

Luna De Plata (Silver Moon)

Luna Llena (Full Moon)

Lunes (Monday)


Madame Ivonne (Madame Ivonne)***

Madreselva (Honeysuckle)*

Madre Hay Una Sola (Mother, There Is Only One)***

Magdala (Magdalene)

Mala Suerte (Bad Luck)

Malena (Malena)*

Malevaje (Hoodlum)***

Maleza (Garden Weeds)*

Malvón (Geranium)

Mañana Iré Temprano (Tomorrow I'll Come Early)**

Mañana Zarpa Un Barco (Tomorrow a Ship Sets Sail)*

Mandria (Wretched)*

Mano A Mano (Fair and Square)**** Elaine Newton-Bruzza

Manoblanca (Whitehand)

Maquillaje (Makeup)***

Maragata (Girl from Maragato)

Margarita Gauthier (Margarita Gauthier)

Margot (Margot)

María (Maria)

Marión (Marion)**

Marioneta (Marionette)

Mariposita (Small Butterfly)***

Más Allá (Far and Beyond)

Mascarita (Little Mask)

Me Llaman El Zorro (They Call Me The Fox)

Me Llaman Tango (They Call Me Tango)

Me Quedé Mirándola (I Just Stood There Watching Her)*

Melodía De Arrabal (Melody of Arrabal)

Mendocina (Girl From Mendoza)***

Mensaje (Message)

Menta Y Cedrón (Mint and Lemon Verbena)

Mentira (Lie)

Meta Fierro (At Full Throttle)

Mi Buenos Aires Querido (My Beloved Buenos Aires)****

Mi Dolor (My Sorrow)*

Mi Natai (My Natai)

Mi Noche Triste (Lita) (My Sad Night (Lita))***

Mi Novia De Ayer (My Girlfriend From Yesterday)

Mi Piba (My Girl)

Mi Romance (My Romance)

Mi Serenata (My Serenade)***

Mi Tango Triste (My Sad Tango)

Mi Taza De Café (My Cup Of Coffee)

Mi Vieja Ribera (My Old Riverbank)

Mi Viejo Barrio (My Old Neighborhood)

Milonga Criolla (Creole Milonga)**

Milonga De Los Fortines (Milonga of The Fort)**

Milonga Del Centenario (100 Year Anniversary Milonga)

Milonga Del Corazón (Milonga From The Heart)

Milonga Del "900" (Milonga of the 1900s)*

Milonga Del Recuerdo (Milonga of Memory)

Milonga De Mis Amores (My Beloved Milonga)**

Milonga Que Peina Canas (Gray Hair Milonga)

Milonga Sentimental (Sentimental Milonga)

Milonga Triste (Sad Milonga)***

Milongón (Milongón)**

Milonguita (Esthercita) (Little Milonga Girl (Little Esther))***

Mis Amigos De Ayer (My Friends From Yesterday)

Mis Pesares (My Sorrows)***

Moneda De Cobre (Copper Coin)**

Monte Criollo (Monte Criollo)

Motivo Sentimental (Sentimental Motif)

Mozo Guapo (A Bragging Lad)

Muchacho ((Rich) Boy)****

Muchacho De Cafetín (Young Boy From The Small Cafe)

Muchachos, Comienza La Ronda (Kids, the Dance Is Starting!)*

Muchachos ... Mi Último Tango (Boys... My last Tango)

Muñeca Brava (Femme Fatale)**


Nada (Nothing)*

Nada Más (Nothing More)*

Nada Más Que Un Corazón (Nothing More Than A Heart)*

Naranjo En Flor (Orange Tree In Bloom)***

Navegante (Navigator)

Negra María (Black Maria)**

Necesito Olvidar (I Need To Forget)

Nido Gaucho (Gaucho's Nest)*

Niebla de Riachuelo (Fog of Riachuelo River)****

Ninguna (No One)**

Niño Bien (Well-to-do Boy)***

No Aflojés (Don't Give Up)**

No Esperaba Verte Más (I Didn’t Expect To See You Again)

No Está (She’s Not Here)**

No Hay Tierra Como La Mía (There’s Nothing Like My Homeland)

No Le Digas Que La Quiero (Don't Tell Her That I Love Her)

No Llores Madre (Don't Cry, Mother)

No Me Escribas (Don't Write To Me)

No Me Lo Digas (Don’t Tell Me)

No Me Pregunten Por Qué (Don't Ask Me Why)

No Nos Veremos Nunca (We'll Never See Each Other Again)

No Quiero Verte Llorar (I Don’t Want To See You Cry)

No Te Apures, Cara Blanca  (Don’t Rush, Whiteface)

No Te Cases (Don't Get Married)

No Te Olvides De Mi Corazón (Don't Forget About My Heart)

No Vendra (She Won’t Come)**

Nostalgias (Nostalgias)*

No Te Apures, Cara Blanca  (Don’t Rush, Whiteface)

No Te Olvides De Mi Corazón (Don't Forget About My Heart)

Noche De Carnaval (Night of Carnival)

Noches De Colón (Nights at Teatro Colón)

Nos Encontramos Al Pasar (We Met Passing By)

Notas De Bandoneón (The Notes of The Bandoneon)

N.P. (Not Placed)****

Noviecita Mía (My Dear Girlfriend)

Nunca Tuvo Novio (She Never Had a Lover)*


Oigo Tu Voz (I Hear Your Voice)*

Ojos Maulas (Deceiving Eyes)

Olvídame (Forget About Me)

Orquestas De Mi Ciudad (The Orchestras of My City)


Paciencia (Patience)*

Paisaje (Landscape)*

Pájaro Ciego (Blind Bird)

Pájaro Sin Luz (Bird Without Light)

Palais De Glace (Palais De Glace (Ice Palace))

Palomita Blanca (Little White Dove)

Pa' Mi Es Igual (It's All The Same To Me....)**

Pampero (Wind From The Pampa)

Pan (Bread)

Pa' Que Bailen Los Muchachos (So The Guys Can Dance)

Pa' Que Seguir (Why Go On?)**

Parque Patricios (Parque Patricios)

Pasional (Passionate)***

Pastora (Shepherd Girl)

Pato (Poor Man)

Patotero Sentimental (Sentimental Gangster)**

Patria Mía (My Homeland)

Pedacito De Cielo (Little Piece of Heaven)

Pena De Amor (Love's Sorrow)

Pena Mulata (Mulatto Sorrow)

Pensalo Bien (Think It Well)***

Percal (Percale)***

Pero Yo Se (But I know...)***

Pequeña (My Little One)

Pigmalión (Pigmalión)

Pobre Flor (Primera Ilusión) (Poor Flower (First Hope))

Pobre Mi Madre Querida (My Poor Dear Mother)

Pobre Colombina (Poor Colombine)

Pocas Palabras (Few Words)*

Poema (Poem)*

Pompas De Jabón (Soap Bubbles)*

Por Eso Canto Yo (That's Why I Sing)

Por Las Calles De La Vida (On The Streets Of Life)

Por La Vuelta (To The Return)

Por Un Beso De Amor (For A Kiss of Love)

Porque Me Siento Feliz (Because I Feel Happy)

Porque Regresas Tú (Because You Return)

Porteño y Bailarín (Porteño And A Dancer)

Por Una Cabeza (By The Head Of A Horse)***

Pregonera (Flower Girl)*

Príncipe (Prince)

Prisionero (Prisoner)


Qué Bien Te Queda (Cómo Has Cambiado)
(How Well It Suits You (How You’ve Changed))**

Que Dios Te Ayude (God Help You)*

Que Falta Que Me Hacés (How Much I Need You)***

Qué Hacés, Qué Hacés! (What's Up, What's Up?)**

Que Importa (Who Cares?)

Qué Lento Corre El Tren (How Slow The Train Goes)

Qué Lo Sepa El Mundo Entero (Let The Whole World Know)

Que Me Quiten Lo Bailao (They Can’t Take It Away From Me)

Qué Me Van A Hablar De Amor (Don't Tell Me About Love)

Que No Sepan Las Estrellas (Don’t Let The Stars Know)

Que Nunca Me Falte (May I Never Miss…)*

Qué Podrán Decir? (What Can They Say?)

Qué Será De Ti (What Will Happen To You?)

Qué Solo Estoy (How Lonely I Am)

Que Te Importa Que Te Llore (What Do You Care That I Cry For You)

Qué Vas Buscando, Muñeca (What Are You Looking For, Babe?

Quedémonos Aquí (Let's Stay Here)

Quién Tuviera Dieciocho Años (I Wish I Were 18)

Quiero Verte Una Vez Más (I Want to See You One More Time)*


Rebeldía (Rebellion)*

Recién (Just Now)*

Recuerdos (Memories)

Recuerdo Malevo (Malicious Memory)****

Recuerdos De Bohemia (Bohemian Memories)

Remembranza (Remembrance)*

Remolino (Whirlwind)

Rie, Payaso (Laugh, Clown)*

Romance De Barrio (Neighborhood Romance)*

Rondando Tu Esquina (Pacing Around Your Corner)*

Rosa De Tango (Rose of Tango)

Rosarina Linda (Pretty Rosarina)

Rosicler (Rosicler (Pale Pink))


Sacale Punta (Sharpen It Up!)**

San José De Flores (Saint Joseph of Flores)

Santa Milonguita (Saint Milonguita) D'Arienzo-Echagüe

Santa Milonguita (Saint Milonguita) Simone

Secreto (Secret)

Se Muere De Amor (Dying Of Love)

Se Va La Vida (Life Goes Away...)

Sencillo Y Compadre (Modest And Boasting)

Señores, Yo Soy Del Centro (Gentlemen, I'm From Downtown)

Shusheta (El Aristócrata) (Dandy (Aristocrat))

Si La Llegarán A Ver (If You Get To See Her)

Si No Me Engaña El Corazón (If My Heart Doesn’t Deceive Me)

Si Supiera Que La Extraño (If She Knew I Miss Her)

Si Tú Quisieras (If You Want To)

Si Yo Pudiera Comprender (If I Could Understand)

Siempre Amigos (Forever Friends)

Siempre Es Carnaval (It’s Always Carnival)*

Siga El Corso (Let The Parade Go On)

Silbando (Whistling)***

Silbar De Boyero (Cowherd's Whistle)

Silencio (Silence)****

Silueta Porteña (Porteña Silhouette)

Sin Palabras (No Words)*

Sin Lágrimas (Without Tears)

Sin Rumbo Fijo (Without A Fixed Course)

Sinfonía De Arrabal (Symphony of A Humble Neighborhood)

Sinsabor (Distaste)***

Sobre El Pucho (Over The Cigarette)

Solamente Ella (Only Her)*

Soledad (Loneliness)

Soledad, La De Barracas (Soledad, The One From Barracas)

Sollozos (Sobbing)

Sollozos De Bandoneón (Bandoneon's Sobs)

Sombras, Nada Más (Shadows, Nothing More)*

Soñar Y Nada Mas (Dream and Nothing Else)***

Son Cosas Del Bandoneón (It's The Affair Of The Bandoneón)**

Soñemos (Let's Dream)*

Sorbos Amargos (Bitter Gulps)**

Sosiego En La Noche (Serenity In The Night)*

Soy Aquel Viajero (I Am That Traveler)*

Soy Del Noventa (I'm From The 90's)

Soy Muchacho De La Guardia (I Belong To The Old Guard)**

Soy Un Arlequín (I'm A Harlequin)

Sueño Azul (Blue Dream)

Sueño Querido (Dear Dream)

Suerte Loca (Crazy Luck)**

Sur (South)*

Sus Ojos Se Cerraron (Her Eyes Closed)****


Tabaco (Tobacco)*

Tabernero (Bartender)**

Tal Vez Será Su Voz (It Might Be Her Voice)

Tango Argentino (Argentine Tango)

Tango Brujo (Bewitching Tango)****

Tango (Voz de tango) (Tango (Voice of Tango))

Tarareando (Humming)**

Tarde Gris (Grey Afternoon)

Te Aconsejo Que Me Olvides (I’d Advise You to Forget Me)*

Te Llama Mi Violín (My Violin Calls You)

Te Llaman Malevo (They Call You A Thug)

Tenía Que Suceder (It Had to Happen)*

Te Quiero Todavía (I Still Love You)

Tedio (Tedium)

Telón (Curtain)*

Temblando (Trembling)

Temo (I Fear)

Tiempo (Time)

Tiempos Viejos (Te Acordas, Hermano?)
(Old Times (Do You Remember, Brother?))**

Tinta Roja (Red Ink)*

Toda Mi Vida (My Whole Life)*

Todo (Everything)

Todo Es Amor (It’s All Love)*

Todo Te Nombra (Everything Calls Your Name)

Todo Terminó (It’s All Over)

Tomo Y Obligo (I Drink and I Invite)***

Tormenta (Storm)*

Torrente (Flood)*

Total Pa' Qué Sirvo (After All, What Am I For!)

Trago Amargo (Bitter Drink)

Traiga Otra Caña (Bring Another Drink)

Trasnochando (Out All Night)*

Tres Amigos (Three Friends)**

Tres Esquinas (Three Corners)*

Trenzas (Braids)**

Tristezas De La Calle Corrientes (Corrientes Street Blues)****

Tristeza Marina (Sadness of the Sea)*

Tú (You)

Tu Boca Mintió (No Me Mires)
(Your Lips Lied (Don’t Look At Me))**

Tu Corazón (Your Heart)

Tu Diagnóstico (Your Diagnosis)*

Tú…El Cielo y Tú (You…the Heavens and You)*

Tu Íntimo Secreto (Your Intimate Secret)

Tu Melodía (Your Melody)

Tus Labios Me Dirán (Your Lips Will Tell Me)*


Un Amor (One Love)

Una Emoción (A Emotion)*

Un Copetín (A Drink)

Un Crimen (A Crime)*

Un Tango… Y Nada Más  (A Tango... Nothing More)

Un Tropezón (A Stumble)

Una Pena (A Pang)*

Una Vez (Once) Pugliese

Una Vez (Once)** OTV

Uno (One)*


Va A Cantar Un Ruiseñor (A Nightingale Is About To Sing)

Va Llegando Gente Al Baile (People Arriving at The Dance)

Valsecito Amigo (Friendly Little Waltz)

Vamos (Come On)*

Vamos, Corazón (Come On, Heart)

Veinticuatro De Agosto (August 24th)*

Vendrás Alguna Vez  (Will You Ever Come?)*

Ventanita De Arrabal (Little Window Of The Suburb)***

Ventarrón (Strong Wind)**

Verdemar (Seagreen)*

Vida Mía (Love of My Life)

Vida Querida (My Dearest)

Vieja Amiga (Old (Girl) Friend)

Vieja Esquina (Old Streetcorner)

Vieja Luna (Old Moon)

Vieja Recova (Old Arcade)

Viejo Ciego (Old Blind Man)

Viejo Portón (Old Gateway)*

Viejo Smoking (Old Tuxedo)

Viejos Tiempos (Old Times)

Volvamos A Empezar (Let's Start Over Again)**

Volver (Returning)*

Volver A Soñar (I Dream Again)

Volver A Vernos (Seeing Each Other Again)*

Vuelves (You’ll Be Back)


Y Como Le Iba Contando (As I Was Telling You)

Y Dicen Que No Te Quiero (And They Say I Don't Love You)

Y Entonces Llorarás (And Then You'll Cry)

Y Todavía Te Quiero (And I Still Love You)****

Y La Perdí (And I Lost Her)

Y Siempre Igual (And Always The Same)

Ya Estamos Iguales (Now We’re Even)

Ya Lo Ves (So You See)

Ya Sale El Tren (The Train Departs)***

Yira Yira (Cruisin’, cruisin’)****

Yo (I)*

Yo Me Llamo “Juan Te Quiero” (I’m Called “Juan-I-Love-You”)*

Yo No Sé Llorar (I Don't Know How To Cry)

Yo No Sé Por Qué Razón (I Don't Know Why)

Yo No Sé Que Me Han Hecho Tus Ojos
(I Don’t Know What Your Eyes Have Done To Me)***

Yo Quiero Cantar Un Tango (I Want To Sing A Tango)

Yo Soy De San Telmo (I’m from San Telmo)****

Yo Soy El Tango (I Am The Tango)

Yo Te Bendigo (I Wish You Well)*

Yo Tengo Una Novia (I Have A Girlfriend) 

Yuyo Brujo (Witch's Brew)*

Yuyo Verde (Green Weeds)*


Zorro Gris (Grey Fox)

Zorro Plateado (Silver Fox)

Zorzal (Thrush)**