Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá

Season 1 Episode 9 aired on May 17, 2020

*Link only shows 15 min preview but you can watch the whole video when you log in to Dropbox.
  1. Yo Quiero Cantar Un Tango (I Want To Sing A Tango)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: José María Suñé Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: José Nieso & Miguel Nijensohn
  1. Patria Mía (My Homeland)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Héctor Marcó Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Pedro Laurenz
  1. Veinticuatro De Agosto (August 24th)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Homero Manzi Translation: Derrick Del Pilar Music: Pedro Laurenz
  1. Nunca Tuvo Novio (She Never Had a Lover)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Derrick Del Pilar Music: Agustín Bardi 1930
  1. Como El Hornero (Like The Ovenbird)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1944Lyrics: José Rótulo Translation: Michael Krugman Music: Manuel Sucher
  1. Recién (Just Now)
    Watch 🎞 Una Noche De Poesía to know more about this song!

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Homero Manzi Translation: Derrick Del Pilar Music: Osvaldo Pugliese 1943
  1. Garúa (Drizzle)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Enrique Cadícamo Translation: Derrick Del Pilar Music: Aníbal Troilo
  1. Todo (Everything)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Homero Expósito Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Hugo Gutiérrez
  1. Que Nunca Me Falte (May I Never Miss…)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Héctor Marcó Translation: Derrick Del Pilar Music: Héctor Morales 1937
  1. Alma de Bohemio (Bohemian Soul)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1943Lyrics: Juan Andrés Caruso Translation: Alberto Paz Music: Roberto Firpo 1914
  1. Muchachos ... Mi Último Tango (Boys... My Last Tango)

Pedro Laurenz with Alberto Podestá, 1944Lyrics: Justo Ricardo Thompson Translation: Felipe & Ayano Music: Ernesto "Tití" Rossi