Milonga Del Centenario (100 Year Anniversary Milonga)

Music: Carlos Di Sarli
Lyrics: Carlos Moreno
Translation: Felipe & Ayano
Recorded by Carlos Di Sarli with Antonio Rodríguez Lesende in 1940



Milonga del Centenario,
milonga blanca y azul,
suenan las notas del himno
pueblo argentino, salud!

Hoy la patria cumple años.
Que los cumplas muy feliz,
al rasguear de las guitarras
y al compás del tamboril.

La gran aldea despierta ya,
Viva milonga, gloria de mayo, la libertad...!
En las banderas se alegra el sol,
la patria es linda,
la patria es linda, será mejor...!



Milonga for the Centenary,
white and blue milonga,
the notes of the anthem play,
to your health, Argentine people!

Today is the homeland’s birthday.
Wishing you a very happy birthday
to the strumming of the guitars
and to the beat of the drum.

The great village wakes up now
Long live milonga, glory of May (revolution), freedom!
In the flags the sun rejoices,
the homeland is beautiful,
the homeland is beautiful, it will be better…!
